Now, being just a
'small town girl' surrounded by countryside, and on the border of Wales, I have the great task of occupying myself. I have never been to a concert... Yes, never. I have been to only one gig, and only one festival. It's a quiet life. It's not that I don't want to go to these things it's just I never really have the money or the transport, anyway I'm digressing. Basically, my one little festival is called the Workhouse Festival. It's in a little Welsh town called Llanfyllin
Wales' most eclectic boutique festival. Basically, A GIANT HIPPIE FEST! It's a lovely experience: freedom, weird and wonderful music, more mud than sky, lots of amazing looking, smelling, talking people. and VANS, lots and lots of classic VDUBS and clapped out bangers. Magical. The food's amazing too, it's a festival big on being eco-friendly, so everything's renewable, recycled and the whole thing runs on solar power! I sound like an advert, but seriously it's such a different way of life something I liked a tiny sample of just for that weekend. They were trying to save the Workhouse (the poor worker's house, it has historical value to the country!) Anyway, it's all over, after 4 years of running, the whole things finished as they've managed to buy the Workhouse and our turning into all sorts: an art expedition room, rooms for classes, workshops, art and youth projects. I'm really glad they managed to do it, but sososo sad it's gone!
Here are some of my favourite snaps from 2009's Festival:
What an odd pair! The ones on the ends are quite weird too ;)
Speaking of pairs, it must be a stripey sock, bestfriend kinda thing when you can wear two pairs over eachother, oh YES. We've got the festival fashion down, one word, it's got to be: FUN.
But... there shall be no Workhouse 2010 :(
In the true spirit of the festival, a dance night was hosted to say goodbye to the festival and a party is going to be held which hopefully I'll be attending :) So it's not all doom and gloom, though I wish I'd got a ticket to go the Reading instead, I'm missing out on... BLINK 182. Enough said!
Here are some shots from the Workhouse Eclectic Dance Night May 1st 2010
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